Thursday, March 30, 2023


Life is hardly more than a fraction of a second. Such a little time to prepare oneself for eternity. ~ Paul Gauguin 

Fractionalization surrounds us. We have been witnessing prominent and all too public splintering of socio-political viewpoints on our phones, our computers, our radios, our TVs and at our brew pub eight days a week. Some virtuosos insist that until we can gain more tolerance of each other we cannot conquer or at least live with our encompassing socio-political fractionalization. In an age of global warming surrounded by polarized factions of public zealots, tolerance remains a fitfully-distributed skill to counter this fractionalization.

Fractionalization is based on the Latin word fractus, meaning breaking into parts. About 3000 years ago, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs contained fraction notations. They used the Eye of Horus to represent different unit fractions, illustrated below in two figures.


Figure 1: Fractions in the Eye of Horus



Figure 2: Other fractions at the Eye of Horus

Horus’ Eye itself symbolically represented prosperity, protection and health. Horus was characterized as a falcon, often as a peregrine falcon, or as a human with a falcon head. The first figure shows the specific series of fractions, a geometric sequence of 2, that the Eye of Horus itself represented.

The second figure illustrates how Egyptian hieroglyphists represented other fractions with the Eye, here for the fraction 1/5. The Egyptians’ means of falcon fractionalizing was far older and more straightforward than the Romans, who used a duodecimal rather than a decimal system for fractions.

Moving east, in 100 BCE the Chinese not only developed a way to use fractions for comparisons, but how to make calculations using them. The Chinese also created a notation of fractions that is analogous to how we report fractions. These fractional procedures were presented in the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art. There’s a concept, mathematical art.

Leonardo Fibonacci was the first European to use the fraction bar in the early 13th century, coincident with his discovery of what later became called the Fibonacci sequence (aka, Fibonacci ratio). The first recorded use of the word fraction in the West was in the mid-14th century. Decimal fractions were introduced by an Islamic scholar in 952. European numeric intellectuals re-invented decimals in the late 16th century. Afterwards, more than mathematicians realized that writing fractions as decimals made arithmetic far easier.

Fractionalizing has thus ensued for a very long time; way before we first learned about them in primary school.[1]  Unsurprisingly, even in 2023 not everyone is happy with fractions. Eva Moskovitz, an American education reform leader, stated “Schools can ebb and flow. It can be phenomenal one day, and then you hit fractions and it falls apart.”

Erudite mathematicians have characterized fractions in 9 ways: proper and improper, mixed, like and unlike, terminating and non-terminating, and recurring and non-recurring.

As you may recall from grade-school math – although I didn’t – a proper fraction is one which has its numerator value less than the denominator. For example, ⅔ and ¼ are proper fractions. An improper fraction has its numerator greater than the denominator, such as 5/2 or 9/7. A fraction represented with its quotient and remainder is a mixed fraction; 3 ⅔ is a mixed fraction, where 3 is the quotient, ⅔ is the remainder.

If and when two fractions have the same denominator, they are said to be like fractions; 7/2 and ½ are like fractions, so we can easily perform addition and subtraction operations on them. When two fractions have different denominators, they are said to be unlike fractions. For example, 5/2 and 3/5 are unlike fractions so we need to rationalize their dissimilar denominators before performing proper addition and subtraction. Like many, my now very distant memories of denominator rationalization aren’t exactly exhilarating. So it goes.

To determine whether a fraction (and its equivalent decimal) is terminating or non-terminating you just need to determine the prime factors of the denominator when the fraction is in its simplest form. If these factors are made up of 2s and/or 5s, the decimal will terminate; if not, it will not terminate. The fraction ½ is a terminating fraction; its decimal equivalent is a ceasing 0.500.

Finally in the fraction sweepstakes, there are recurring and non-recurring fractions. A recurring fraction/decimal exists when decimal numbers repeat forever. An example of a recurring and non-terminating fraction is 1/3, which when decimalized becomes 0.33333 forever and ever. A well-known nonrecurring, non-terminating fraction/decimal is pi (π, in Greek notation). Pi is the fraction derived from dividing a circle’s circumference by its diameter; very approximately, 3.14159. To date, the most accurate value of π uses 62,831,853,071,796 digits, which was achieved by University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons in Switzerland two years ago. Their computer system completed this calculation within 108 days. OMG.

There are several political fractions that remain noteworthy. Joe Biden’s electoral college victory margin for the presidency was 26/538 or a significant 4.8%.[2] The Dems’ Senate vote margin – including 3 Independents who vote in their caucus – is a mere 2/100 or 2%. The fully-factional Repubs’ House vote margin is a paltry 9/435 or 2.1%. These slender margins require constant management and cajoling. Senate Majority Leader Schumer has burned much midnight oil. House Speaker McCarthy also has worked like a dog, likely because of his oxymoronic Freedom Caucus. Flexible tolerance for cross-party votes in the Congress remains an endangered action.

What if we consider using these 9 mathematical types of fractions to describe our severe political fractionalization. Could such melding between math and politics somehow allow for greater tolerance and less upset between factions’ fractionalization?

If we are to achieve any success in merging math with politics, we will first need to eliminate improper and proper fractions. No faction will ever consider their position improper; so out go fractions that have their numerators greater than denominators. Those proper ones, the ones with smaller numerators, should not be included either because each and every politician considers their votes always proper, even if it’s quite unseemly. Instead, we’ll need to transform all such improper and proper fractions into mixed ones, which shouldn’t be too hard.

I suspect mixed, like, unlike, non-recurring and non-terminating fractions don’t have the same fraught connotative concerns as improper ones, so they’re worthy of usage in the political realm. This is especially true for terminating ones that need to have nothing to do with 2-, 4- or 6-year tenures of political service.

After all, mixed drinks have become far more popular than they were in the late 1960s through the beginning 1980s when wine and craft beer became liquid royalty. Nevertheless by the mid-2000s cocktail culture rose again. During the last decade there’s been nothing like a Manhattan to ease tensions, even though you’ve never lived there. Perhaps that’s true for mixed political factions as well. For the greater good, let’s have mixed, recurring, non-terminating discussions among many folks that might lead to fading fractionalization.


[1] At California primary schools fractions are first taught in third grade.

[2] In presidential elections the 3 normally non-voting House members from Washington, DC vote in the electoral college.